After a startup has convinced investors that it is ready for due-diligence the next step is to share their “dataroom”. The data room is a virtual storage area that houses the files that investors will need to look over and helps the company organize them in a way which makes it easy for them to find and understand.

Traditionally the process was performed in a physical room, however now it is most commonly done online, through what is known as virtual data rooms. They are designed to provide a safe environment for companies to store sensitive information.

This means that businesses only pay for the software needed and can reduce costs by paying a security team to monitor a physical room. There are numerous providers of virtual data rooms which vary in their features and prices therefore it is essential to research and select one which suits a business.

Some provide a basic feature for managing documents, whereas others, such as iDeals or Citrix offer more sophisticated features like multilingual search, analytics, data tracking and OCR and intelligent AI categories. After selecting a service, the startup should decide what documents it will include and the organization which best fits its requirements. It is crucial to group together financial information such as legal documents, contracts and other legal documents along with other information that is related to make it easier to access for potential buyers.

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